Decisions by COHERE Finland
COHERE may, according to the provisions regulating its operation, either
- issue recommendations on what health and medical care procedures, examinations and treatment and rehabilitation methods should be included in or excluded from the service choices or
- on request of the Social Insurance Institution (Kela) and other authorities, issue statements on the application of the service choices and the principles used to define them
COHERE's opinions determining the contents of the service choices are processed in accordance with the handling process of recommendations and published under title Recommendation. Statements to authorities may also include determining service choices but the handling process for statements is simpler. As statements usually relate to individual cases, their significance for service choices in general is therefore more limited.
In addition to recommendations and statements to authorities, COHERE may, on their own or someone else's initiative, issue other statements and opinions within its remit in order to participate in the public discussion on service choices, as included in the duties of COHERE. It depends on the situation how such a matter will be processed and how extensive surveys and hearings are needed in its preparation. Such a statement or opinion cannot include actual determination of service choices.